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Medical Assessments

Bilingual Medical Test

You have been registered to take the Bilingual Medical Assessment. This test is designed to assess medical staff members’ ability to communicate directly with Target Language-speaking patients in simple/routine encounters. This test will also evaluate your ability to report information collected in the target language into English to medical providers.

This Test has Four (4) Sections:

Section 1

Communicating with the patient in the Target Language. You will be presented with two routine medical situations in English involving a patient. After each situation, you will hear a series of questions in English. You will respond in the Target Language as if you were interacting with the patient.

Section 2

Medical terminology. This section will be a series of 30 words. You will have 8 seconds to render each word in the other language.

Section 3

You will be presented with two dialogues in the Target Language. The dialogues are between a medical assistant and a patient. After each dialogue, you will be asked a series of questions in English. You will respond to each prompt in English.

Section 4

Handling a difficult situation. You will be presented with two situations in English. After each situation, you will be asked to address the situation directly to the patient in the Target Language.

Here are some important things to remember when taking the test:

  • After each question, you will hear a beep. You can begin your response after you hear the beep.
  • You will be given enough time to provide your response to each question.
  • You will not be able to have the situations, dialogues, or prompts repeated. However, you will hear each medical term twice: “tissue …tissue”.
    Your evaluation will officially begin after you give your name and agree to the honor statement.
  • At the end of the evaluation, you will be instructed to hang up the telephone. Your performance will be scored by a qualified evaluator and your results will be sent to the company requesting your test.
  • You are allowed to take notes on paper during the test. You are not allowed to use any device (tablet, computer, smartphone) to take notes or look for words.
  • Before starting the test, make sure that you are in a quiet place, and that you have a good phone connection. Please speak loudly and clearly into the telephone. The test does not exceed 30 minutes.
  • You will be able to access the test only once.

Taking the Test:

Dial the telephone number that was provided to you and enter your access code.

Sample Bilingual Medical Test

Below is a sample Spanish/English bilingual medical test with 4 sections. Candidates who are registered to take the bilingual medical test in a language other than Spanish will use the English scripts to practice.

Each section is shorter than the actual ones you will have on your test.

We recommend you first listen to the recording and try to answer each task following the instructions. Then look at the transcripts for verification. Sample answers are also provided at the end of each section. You can then listen again to the recording pausing after each prompt to respond.

Section 1: Communicating with the Patient in Spanish

In this section, you will be presented with a routine situation involving a patient. After you listen to the situation, you will hear a number of prompts in English. Respond to each prompt in Spanish as though you were interacting with the patient.

Mrs. Gloria Ramirez’s wound has been stabilized. She has had an x-ray taken of her painful, swollen left thumb and hand. The bones are not broken, but she has a ligament injury. You will address the patient directly with the following information:

  • Reassure the patient that, as the doctor said, the thumb is not broken, but it is injured.
  • Let the patient know that it is going to require a splint to immobilize it.
  • Inform the patient that the doctor will be back in a little bit to apply a thumb spica cast, which is really just a type of splint.
  • Let her know that, in the meantime, you are just going to wrap that thumb securely against her hand to help avoid any extra pain and discomfort.

Sample Answers:

  • Bueno, como ya le dijo el doctor, su pulgar no tiene ninguna fractura, pero está lesionado.
  • Por eso, vamos a necesitar colocar una tablilla para inmovilizar su pulgar.
  • El médico regresará en un momento para ponerle una férula en espiga en el pulgar, que en realidad es solo un tipo de tablilla.
  • Mientras tanto, le voy a envolver el pulgar de forma segura contra su mano para evitar que sienta más dolor e incomodidad.

Section 2: Medical Terminology

In this section, you will first hear a total of 5 medical terms in English. After listening to each one, provide a rendering for the term orally in Spanish. Make sure to speak clearly.

  • Scalpel
  • Edema
  • Hernia
  • Suture
  • Thermometer


Sample answers:

  • Bisturí
  • Edema
  • Hernia
  • Sutura
  • Termómetro

Next, you will hear a total of 5 medical terms in Spanish. After listening to each one, provide a rendering for the term orally in English. Make sure to speak clearly.

  • Benigno
  • Pecho
  • Subcutáneo
  • Cultivo de garganta
  • Columna cervical


Sample answers:

  • Benign
  • Chest
  • Subcutaneous
  • Throat culture
  • Cervical spine

Section 3: Reporting in English

In this section, you will listen to a dialogue between a medical assistant and a patient. The dialogue is entirely in Spanish. Listen to the dialogue carefully and take notes. After the dialogue is complete, you will be asked 3 questions in English about the content of the conversation. After each question is asked, please respond with your answer in English.

Medical Assistant: ¿Qué tal está, señora López? ¿Cómo se siente del estómago? ¿Siente que ha mejorado?

López: La verdad, no muy bien, y por eso es que he venido. Todavía me cuesta mucho digerir las comidas, principalmente en las noches, que es cuando siento la barriga más pesada.

MA: ¿Ha continuado con la dieta recomendada por el doctor?

López: Bueno, ahí está el problema. Es que esa dieta es muy estricta, y no es fácil seguirla a raya.

MA: Bien, mientras tanto, vamos a ver su peso. Puede quitarse los zapatos y subirse en la pesa. Veamos…

López: Parece que no he perdido mucho peso desde la última vez que vine.

MA: No, la verdad no. Bueno, venga por aquí. ¿Está viendo aquella puerta a la izquierda?

López: Sí.

MA: Puede entrar y sentarse, que el doctor la verá en unos minutos.

López: Muchas gracias.


  • What bothers the patient at night?
  • What does the patient think about the doctor’s treatment?
  • What is one thing the medical assistant did for the patient?

Sample Answers:

  • She has problems digesting the food and her stomach feels “heavy”.
  • She thinks the treatment is too strict and she is not able to follow it as she is supposed to.
  • The medical assistant measured the patient’s weight, by requesting her to step on the scale.

Section 4: Handling a difficult situation

In this section, you will be presented with a situation taking place in the medical practice facility where you work. Listen to the details of the situation carefully and follow the instructions. You will have to respond directly to a patient or a family member to handle the situation. You will have 45 seconds to provide your response. Remember, you will be addressing a Spanish-speaking person. Your response must be in Spanish.

You are a medical assistant in a busy office. Ms. Diaz, one of your Spanish-speaking patients, calls very angrily to the office demanding to speak to the physician. The physician is not in the office and the patient demands to get the physician’s cell phone number. Address the patient directly, try to calm her down and handle the situation to the best of your abilities, while explaining to Ms. Diaz what to do in such a situation.

Sample answer:

Hola, señora Diaz, pues sepa entiendo su situación y sé que necesita resolverla cuanto antes. Pero, lamentablemente, en este momento el doctor no se encuentra y la política del hospital no me permite compartir el número de teléfono personal de nuestros médicos. Realmente lo siento mucho, pero no puedo pasarle esa información que usted me pide. No se preocupe, yo le comunicaré sus dudas al doctor en cuanto él llegue, y también le sugiero que marque una consulta para el primer horario abierto, y así no perder tiempo. ¿Le parece bien?

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