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Medical Assessments

Clinician Cultural and Linguistic Assessment Practice Test

You have been registered to take the Clinician Cultural and linguistic Assessment (CCLA). This test is designed to assess physicians’ ability to communicate with Tested Language speaking patients in a medical setting. The evaluation is done over the phone.

The test has 7 sections: the first section is a warm-up exercise allowing you to practice the Tested Language briefly prior to the formal portion of the exam. In each of the next six sections, you will hear patients describing their symptoms and concerns in the Tested Language. You will then be asked to perform a set of communicative tasks. The requests will be in English. You will be given 10 to 60 seconds to respond to each request in the Tested Language.

Here are some important things to remember when taking the test:

  • The entire test is recorded and administered over the phone.
  • You must speak in a clear and loud voice so that the system will be able to recognize your voice.
  • You will have enough time to respond fully to the requested task, provided that you respond quickly and address the task directly. It is to your advantage to use all the time provided.
  • Do not be concerned if the recording starts speaking over you. Simply stop your response and attend to the next task. Likewise, do not be concerned if there is “dead air” following your response to a task—that is, if you do not use all the time available to you. Simply wait and attend to the next task once you feel you have completed a task.
  • If you cannot remember a word or phrase immediately, or if you are unsure of the appropriate word or phrase, you may describe it or paraphrase.
  • Take advantage of the opportunity to take notes during the assessment to aid your memory.You are responsible for the destruction of all written notes taken during the assessment.
  • Please remember that this assessment is confidential and no information about this assessment should be shared or discussed. By entering your access code into the IVR system, you are automatically agreeing to the confidentiality of this assessment and the following honor statement.“I do hereby certify on my honor that I will take the test by myself and will derive no assistance during the time of the examination from any source whatsoever. I will also keep the content of the assessment confidential and will not share with peers, coworkers, or third parties.”

Taking the Test:

  • Dial the telephone number that was provided to you and enter your access code. You will be asked to state your first and last name for the record and agree to the honor statement.
  • Once you begin the assessment, it cannot be stopped. If for any reason you are disconnected, you have 3 minutes to call back and resume your test.
  • · Make sure that you select a quiet location where you will not be interrupted while you are taking the assessment. A landline is recommended. External noises may affect the quality of the recording, thus impacting your score
  • We recommend that you have the following items with you as you prepare to take the assessment: a bottle of water, a notepad and pencil, and tissue.

Sample CCLA Test (Spanish)

Below are two samples. The underlined words or sentences are the objective scoring units. Sample 1 has 16 scoring units and there are 18 of them in sample 2. The regular test has a total of 114 scoring units, and you are expected to convey the meaning of at least 80% of them to pass the test.

We recommend you first listen to the recording, then look at the script below and answer the prompts. Sample answers are at the bottom. You can then listen again to the recording, pausing after each prompt to respond.

Sample 1: Accidente

Direcciones:    Su paciente es un hombre de 27 (veinte y siete) años, a quien han atendido por lesiones recibidas en un accidente automovilístico y ha venido para una cita de seguimiento. Su esposa fue herida seriamente en el mismo accidente. Después de escuchar los comentarios de su paciente, vamos a pedirle que le comunique cierta información importante.

Ahora escuche a su paciente:    Doctor, hoy vine porque me duele el pecho y no puedo moverme bien. También vengo porque las pastillas que me dió no sirven y el dolor me está matando. Y aparte, quería preguntarle por mi querida esposa. ¿Usted cree que va a salir de esta? Estoy mortificandísimo y rezándole a dios que no se la lleve.

Ahora comuníquele lo siguiente directamente a su paciente:

  1. Assure him that his wife is in stable condition and that she is responding nicely to the surgery she had to repair her broken arm. Mention that she is in a recovery room right now.
  2. Ask him if his sprained ankle is causing him pain and tell him to only engage in activity as tolerated.
  3. Ask him if the swelling has subsided and if he has been running a fever.
  4. Tell him that, after examination, you believe his fractures have begun to mend and that with some time his abrasions will also heal.
  5. Tell him you are giving him new prescriptions for a muscle relaxant, and something to relieve the pain.
  6. Tell him that if these drugs don’t take care of the pain in his leg, to please call the office.

Sample Answers

  1. Sé que es un momento difícil para usted. Quiero asegurarle que la condición de su esposa es estable. La operación para reparar la fractura de su brazo salió bien. Está respondiendo muy bien y en estos momentos se encuentra en la sala de recuperación.
  2. ¿Le duele el tobillo con el esguince? Recuerde que solo debe realizar aquellas actividades que pueda hacer.
  3. Además de esto, ¿ha notado si se le ha bajado la hinchazón? ¿Ha tenido fiebre?
  4. El examen me ha permitido ver que sus fracturas ya comenzaron a soldarse. También puedo decirle que, con algo de tiempo, se curarán sus abrasiones.
  5. Por ahora, le voy a dar dos recetas nuevas: una es para un relajante muscular y la otra, para un analgésico.
  6. Si estos medicamentos no le alivian el dolor de la pierna, llámeme al consultorio y hágamelo saber.

Sample 2: Medical Terminology

Direcciones:    Su paciente es un niño de 6 (seis) años acompañado por su mamá. Después de escuchar a los comentarios de la mamá, vamos a pedirle que se comunique con ellos de manera apropiada a su edad y cultura.

Ahora escuche a la mamá:    Ay doctor, ¿qué le pasa a mi muchachito? Sus ojos están rojos y hinchados. Luego, le sale mucha porquería de los ojos. Les puse toallas calientes, pero están peores. ¿No hay algún ungüento que me pueda dar para ponerles?

Ahora comuníquele lo siguiente directamente a su paciente y a la mamá:

  1. Explain to the mother that her little boy may have an eye infection or some kind of allergy. Tell her that you will ask some questions about his symptoms and that you may need to run some tests.
  2. Ask your patient if his eyes itch, and if he has been scratching them.
  3. Ask the mother about the amount of discharge coming from his eyes, what color the discharge is, and what texture it is.
  4. Ask the mother if her son has ever had an eye infection, conjunctivitis, or any eye disorder before.
  5. Tell the mother you will give her a prescription for some eye drops. Explain that she should not worry if her son’s eyes dilate and he experiences blurry vision.
  6. Tell the mother that the dosage to be administered to her son is 2 drops in both eyes, 3 times a day, for the next 14 days.

Sample Answers

  1. Señora, es posible que tenga una infección en los ojos o una alergia. Voy a hacerle algunas preguntas sobre sus síntomas. Después de eso, tal vez tenga que hacerle algunas pruebas.
  2. ¿Puedes decirme si te pican los ojos? ¿Te has estado rascando los ojos?
  3. Señora, ¿puede contarme cómo es la secreción que tiene su hijo en los ojos? Específicamente necesito saber de qué color es y qué textura tiene.
  4. ¿Su hijo ha tenido algún problema en los ojos anteriormente, tal vez algo como una infección ocular, conjuntivitis o algún tipo de trastorno ocular?
  5. Lo que voy a hacer es recetarle unas gotas para los ojos de su hijo. Cuando se las ponga, no se preocupe si se le dilatan las pupilas de los ojos o experimenta visión borrosa.
  6. La dosis del medicamento es de 2 gotas en cada ojo, 3 veces al día. Tendrá que ponérselas durante 14 días a partir de hoy.

If you have additional questions, please call us at 1-888-465-4648 or emails us at [email protected]

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